fredag den 31. oktober 2008

How to build Facebook for Enterprise

Obama viste hvad en Facebook klon kunne udrette - nu mangler han blot at gå hele vejen ...

Obama has shown what you can do with a Facebook clone - and he might go all the way ...


So Facebook’s Dustin Moskovitz is leaving Facebook to develop a killer version of the platform for the enterprise. Is that something totally new and should all email/collaboration vendors now run in panic? What should Dustin’s killer app be in order to be successful?

Well, obviously the attempt is not new. These days everyone is kind of expecting the tools which got successful with consumers to take the enterprise by storm and leave the old email/documents-on-a-file-share days to history.

There are even some products available today ranging from Microsoft’s SharePoint and lots of open source wiki engines, to a WorkLight (Facebook application adding enterprise security), to Twitter clones (such as, to SocialText’s attempt to merge them all.


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Microsoft Azure vs Amazon, Google, and VMware

Når det regner og er gråvejr er det nogen gange svært at forestille sig at solen er lige oppe over ... Men vi kommer sikkert til at holde af skyerne en dag ...

When it's raining and grey it is sometimes hard to believe that the sun is up anove ... But we will probably eventually come to love the clouds ... Just singing in the rain ...


It is obviously too early to declare a clear winner here. Below is a feature-by-feature comparison table. Here’s a quick summary for each of them.

Microsoft Windows Azure

Currently in early private beta but boasts an impressive set of APIs, great development story, and a promise for good enterprise integration.

Amazon Web Services

The most mature solution on the market and the first one to exit beta. Offers basic cloud infrastructure required (compute power to run virtual machines, storage, communication queues, database) and allows you to fully control your virtual machines and run your LAMP- or Microsoft-stack applications any way you like.

Google App Engine

Boasts the “drop your code and we’ll figure out the rest” approach taking care of all the scalability and infrastructure management for you.

VMware vCloud

A pre-announced solution promising to let you simply take your standard VMware virtual appliances and run them anywhere: on-premise or in a datacenter of any provider supporting VMware’s infrastructure.


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Windows Azure: Use it for Tiling ?

Kampen om markedet i skyerne kører i højeste gear - ser frem til at kunne udvikle noget med sky på.

The fight for market shares in heaven - sorry the cloud - is heating up. Personally I'm looking forward to do some cloud coding my self.


Clint Brown mentioned in his presentation that it takes ESRI 4 hours to generate tiles for the US portion of their World Street Map layer served out by ArcGIS Online. It would be great if ESRI could put tiling services and caches into Azure, so we could generate tiles more quickly, via the wonders of parallel processing.


The Shape of Alpha

Der bliver taget rigtig mange billeder nu om dage og rigtig mange af disse bliver geo tagget. At man vha. disse alene kan bestemme konturerne af kontinenter, land, byer og helt ned til nabolag ... det er ret utroligt. Nu om dage tages der formentlig flere billeder om dagen end der gjorde om året tidligere ... (Jeg gad vide hvor mange år man skal gå tilbage i tiden for at dette holder stik)

A LOT of photos are taken all time and many of those are being geo tagged. Apperently there are enough of those to make out contours of the continents, the countries, the cities and even the neighbourhoods ... quite amazing. I guess more photos are taken each and every day than were taken in a year earlier ... (Wonder how many years back we need to go looking).


We have a lot of geotagged photos

Almost ninety million, as I write this, and the numbers keep growing especially as nearly every new smart phone released to market has not only a camera but also the ability to capture location information with it.

For every geotagged photo we store up to six Where On Earth (WOE) IDs. These are unique numeric identifiers that correspond to the hierarchy of places where a photo was taken: the neighbourhood, the town, the county, and so on up to the continent. This process is usually referred to as reverse-geocoding.

Over time this got us wondering: If we plotted all the geotagged photos associated with a particular WOE ID, would we have enough data to generate a mostly accurate contour of that place? Not a perfect representation, perhaps, but something more fine-grained than a bounding box. It turns out we can.


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Virtual Earth @ PDC Demonstration Applications

Her er sikkert en masse guf til Virtual Earth udviklere ...

This is probably hot stuff if your a Virtual Earth developer ...



As promised during the Virtual Earth session Thursday at the PDC 2008, we are making available all of the demos showed during the session. We've even included some BONUS content as well with demos that we did not get a chance to show at the PDC.

Please note that these demos are released as is with no support. Also be sure to go get yourself a Virtual Earth Developer Evaluation Account when you begin to work with the Virtual Earth Web Service demos. Also, be sure to check out the Virtual Earth Web Services SDK on MSDN for more details on how to develop your applications.

Here is a link to Mark’s SkyDrive for the samples. Go get them and start developing!


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Mobile Platforms are Job Nirvana for Developers

Mobil udvikling eller udvikling til mobilen ... uanset hvad så er det her det sker.

Mobile development or development for the mobile ... no matter what it is hot.

Custom Web Application Development


It's not a bad time to be a mobile software developer, even in this economy.

Rare is the mobile device maker that is not advertising for application development talent.

Recent want ads by Research in Motion, Nokia and even Motorola, are just three examples. Demand for Apple's iPhone developers, for example, is up 500 percent in just the past six months, according to employment outsourcing company oDesk.


Facebook gruppen Kortdage

Bliv en del af Kortdage gruppen ... 

Be a part of the Kortdage group ...


torsdag den 30. oktober 2008

Familie GIS

Der findes utallige hjemmesider om slægtsforskning på nettet og flere af disse har indset fordelen af at bruge kort til at vise familiemedlemmers placering igennem tiderne. Visualieringen på kortet er med til at fortælle den geografiske udvikling og ikke kun den familiære. 
Familie og slægt er vel i bund og grund fundamentet for alle former for sociale netværk også de senest tilkomne på nettet.

You can find numerous web pages about genealogy on the web and many of those have added maps to show the position of family members through time. The visualization on the map tells the geographic history and not just the family relations.
And then again family relations are the fundamental definition of a social network even the latest seen on he web.



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The Internet's on Shaky Ground

Lige som vi troede at det gik så godt opdager vi at græsset er grønnere på den anden side ... 

Just as we thought we were doing well we discover that the grass IS greener on the other side ...


The Internet is built wrong.

Well, OK, not so much “wrong” as “not the best it could be.” But for all its problems, we can’t rationalize a radical departure from the technologies that currently comprise the Internet. Why?

There’s a software engineering philosophy called Worse Is Better that’s been around for a good 18 years. In that time, it’s come to mean that an inferiorly designed system or piece of software may be more successful than its better-designed competitor, based on subjective or unexpected market criteria. A perfect modern example is that, while most Web applications are poor facsimiles of their desktop counterparts, they’re successful because there’s nothing to install and collaboration is a snap.


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Amazon launches WindowShop: A 3D shopping experience

Se bøger i 3D? Kender du PicLens? Hvis ja så kender du konceptet, men du har sikkert ikke set det med bøger, film og spil ... alt sammen med lyd på ....

See books in 3D? Have you seen PicLens? Then you know the concept but probably not with books, movies and games ... all with sounds ...


WindowShop is a new content-viewing layer for If you've ever used Cooliris' PicLens before, you'll feel right at home, as WindowShop turns Amazon's selection of online goods into a giant wall, which you can scroll back and forth across, and zoom in and out of to find things to buy. The tool was built by Amazon and runs entirely off its S3 storage service.


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Facebook to developers: Here, have some code!

Det har endnu ikke været muligt at se hvem som har set ens profil og hvornår og det har heller ikke været muligt at blocke bestemte facebrugere ude ... Mon vi snart for muligheden?

It has not yet been possible to see who has been looking at your facebook profile and when. Neither has it been possible to block out some but not all other users ... It is coming?


Facebook is known for keeping its cards pretty close to its chest, so to speak. But in recent months, the company has been drumming up its commitment to open source--and on Friday, Facebook announced that a piece of internally created software, called "Scribe," would be released back to the open source community.

Microsoft Announces GeoSynth™ Availability

Det skal ses i aktion ... hvor?

It has to been seen ... where?


GeoSynth uses the Photosynth technology, which enables users to synthesize and view 2D and 3D environments from digital photo collections. The application automatically reconstructs in minutes a web-accessible three-dimensional space from an arbitrary collection of photos (or video) of a place or an object, and allows a user to navigate through the space.

What we learned from 1 million businesses in the cloud

En af Googles succesparametre ... oppetid.

A Google parameter of succes ... reliability.


The reliability of cloud computing has been a hot topic recently, partly because glitches in the cloud don't happen behind closed doors as with traditional on-premises solutions for businesses. Instead, when a small number of cloud computing users have problems, it makes headlines. As with most things at Google, we are fanatical about measuring the availability of Gmail, and we thought it best to simply share our reliability metrics, which we measure as average uptime per user based on server-side error rates. We think this reliability metric lets you do a true side-by-side comparison with other solutions.

We measure every server request for every user, every moment of every day. Any millisecond delay is logged. Over the last year, Gmail has been available more than 99.9 percent of the time — for everyone, both consumers and business users. The vast majority of people using Gmail have seen few issues, experienced no downtime, and have continued to have a great Gmail experience, with exception of an outage in August 2008. If you average all these data together, including the August outage, across the entire Gmail service, there has been an aggregate 10-15 minutes of downtime per month over the last year of providing the service. That 10-15 minutes per month average represents small delays of a couple of seconds here and there. A very small number of people have unfortunately been subject to some disruption of service that affected them for a few minutes or a few hours. For those users, we are very sorry. And for Google Apps Premier Edition customers, we have extended service level agreement credits to them.

So how does greater than 99.9 percent reliability compare to more conventional approaches for business email? We asked some experts. Naturally, the normal caveats apply for on-premises solutions, since each individual business environment will vary, depending on server reliability, staff response time, and actual maintenance schedules for each application.

According to the research firm Radicati Group, companies with on-premises email solutions averaged from 30 to 60 minutes of unscheduled downtime and an additional 36 to 90 minutes of planned downtime per month.1


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Map of the Week-Election Cartograms

Så kender vi snart den næste amerikanske præsident.

Soon we know who is going to be the next president of the United States.


You may have heard that the US Presidential Election just is around the corner. The best way to see the true distribution of electoral votes is to use a cartogram. A cartogram is a map showing areas sized by some factor other than area (in most cases population). Cartograms are usually pretty ugly things.

They can be one-legged spiny monsters;

WorldWide Telescope - New Release!

Findes der en GPS til mælkevejen?

It there a GPS for the Milky Way?


The Microsoft Research Team has released an updated version of WorldWide Telescope for free download. The new release is jammed packed with features including my favorite, 3D Solar System and Universe View (plug in your X-Box controller prior to running WWT for fully immersive 3D tranquility). If there was ever a way to grasp how little we really are, this will certainly help put things in perspective. You thought flying around in Virtual Earth 3D was cool? Wait until you fly around the known universe in 3D.



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Virtual Earth and Microsoft’s Single View Platform

Klar til D-dag? 

Ready for D-day?


There’s a new initiative at Microsoft to bring together different parts of the company under a single umbrella to prove the whole is greater than the sum of all it’s parts. The Public Sector initiative, dubbed “The Single View Platform” brings several different Microsoft products together to form a SUPER geographically-based, data visualization product suite.


The products involved include:

Check out the Microsoft Single View Platform web site. It’s packed with downloads, case studies, demos and additional information about the program.

SecondLight: Surface on steroids

Tryllepapir? Lige som jeg troede vi var på vej mod det papirløse kontor ...

Just as I thought we were heading towards a paper less world ...


Microsoft's British researchers are literally bringing another dimension to the company's Surface touchscreens, writes Barry Collins in Los Angeles.

The original Surface tables are one of the chief attractions here at PDC, with attendees clambering to get their hands on the dozen or so tables dotted around the conference halls.

However, the highlight of today's keynote from Microsoft Research was a demonstration of a new Surface prototype called SecondLight, which is being developed at the company's labs in Cambridge.

The new table projects an image through the table itself, so that any translucent material (such as tracing paper or perspex) held above the Surface screen displays a different image to what you see on the table's display.


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BlomURBEX has been designed to meet the rapidly growing demand for online access to images and vector data across multiple sectors. The innovative platform enables fast development of consumer and professional services and applications based on Blom's oblique images and content.


BlomURBEX is a hosted solution. The sheer scope and size of the images in BlomURBEX makes it impractical for the application and service providers to host their own server and data containers. In the case of mobile services, for example, supporting on-board data for large areas would require huge memory capacity, which would increase the device price considerably. BlomURBEX has been developed to address these issues through the delivery of the entire range of Blom content online, enabling countless applications to be created quickly and easily using Blom's real images.

BlomURBEX is a cluster of servers connected to the internet, which serve pre-processed data using very simple protocols - including HTTP to facilitate the integration with web solutions. An online service, it provides all the necessary technology to host and deliver different datasets with enough storage and process capacity to deliver data and services as required.


Google Adds RSS Feeds For Web Search Results

Så er cirklen fuldendt ... Opret en Google Alert på f.eks. 'Grunde til salg' og få det smækket direkte ind i din RSS reader ...

Combining automatics ... Create a Google Alert on say 'GIS in Denmark' and add it as an RSS feed to your favorite reader ...


Google RSS Feed screenshot

As expected, Google has added an RSS feed for web search results to the Google Alerts service. As seen in the screenshot above, when creating a new alert, you can now choose to get the alert via email or RSS feed. RSS feed alerts are only available to logged-in Google account holders.


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StreetView now in Italy

Ser frem til når min by er gennemfotograferet ...

Looking forward to the day when my city will be street viewed ...


Fresh on the heels of launching StreetView in Spain, Google has released StreetView in four major areas in Italy: FlorenceLake ComoMilan andRome.

Check out some of the cool sights that Keir found on Google Maps Mania, and then submit your own to theGEH StreetView Gallery.


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