tirsdag den 29. september 2009

An Open Mashup Alliance for Enterprise Mashups

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Several enterprise mashup proponents, including ProgrammableWeb, have come together to form the new Open Mashup Alliance (OMA). The OMA has been founded with the goal of supporting the implementation of enterprise mashups along with an open language that promotes enterprise mashup interoperability and portability.

The OMA’s founding members companies include: Adobe, Bank of America, Capgemini,Hinchcliffe & Co., HP, Intel, JackBe, Kapow Technologies, Programmable Web, Synteractive, and Xignite.

This is very promising development in the enterprise mashup space, a market we have regularly covered here on ProgrammableWeb. As you can see in the list of founding companies, many of them are companies that we have identified as leading the charge in the implementation of enterprise mashups.

In order to put some substance behind the goals of the OMA, one of the major proponents of enterprise mashups, JackBe, have contributed its Enterprise Mashup Markup Language (EMML) and runtime engine to the OMA as an open source resource (licensed under Creative Commons). The idea behind EMML is that it will break down the barriers for implementation of enterprise mashups by providing a common language for development of the mashups and a corresponding engine that processes mashup scripts written in EMML. You can see a snippet below: [...]

Read more: http://blog.programmableweb.com/2009/09/29/an-open-mashup-alliance-for-enterprise-mashups/

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