ArcGIS Explorer er Google Earth tilført GIS ...
ArcGIS Explorer is Google Earth with GIS added ...
At PUG, ESRI director of products Clint Brown set the stage for Explorer by introducing work being done with a variety of new basemap services that will be part of ArcGIS Online. Bern Szukalski demonstrated several of the basemap services via JavaScript applications, and then used the not-yet-public ArcGIS Online sharing to search for and add new basemaps to an existing ArcGIS 9.3.1 (still in beta) map focused on petroleum exploration in Wyoming.
Below is the map showing various petroleum operational layers (PennWell pipeline data, powder river basin, Wyoming oil fields) along with the underlying topographic basemap services from ArcGIS Online.
The Wyoming oil fields layer was saved as a layer package, one of the new capabilities in ArcMap at 9.3.1. Layer packages capture the cartography along with the data (or links in the case of Web-based services) into an easily portable and shareable file. The layer package was shared via ArcGIS Online in one of the groups; data can be shared publicly to anyone or reserved for use within specific communities.
Using ArcGIS Explorer, several features were highlighted including the new ribbon-based UI, the ability to dock and hide the contents in various ways, and the integrated 2D/3D display. The presentation tools were highlighted next, with a demonstration of how they can be used to author and then give a presentation or briefing. The presentation tools include the ability to control layer visibility, popups, and can include rich media content like videos, photos, and other documents.
Here's the opening presentation view that included a popup title. Note how the application is in full-screen mode during a presentation, with tools available in the upper left to advance to the next slide or navigate. Though they can be thought of as slides, each stop in the presentation is "live" and full control of the application can be had at any time.
Next, the Wyoming oil fields layer package was opened by dragging and dropping it onto Explorer, and the data was incorporated into the presentation. Note that since the layer package contained 3D data that it was extruded when viewed in 3D mode, and would be draped flat when viewed in 2D mode. The data shows the Wyoming oil fields shaded and extruded based on potential oil value.
ArcGIS Explorer has always been an ideal way to view ArcGIS Online maps and user-authored map services. Bern emphasized that layer packages make ArcGIS Explorer ideal for providing broad access to all types of GIS data, local content via layer packages as well as GIS services, and would unlock GIS data from "professional only" use. He characterized many of the potential users of ArcGIS Explorer 900 as geographic information users - those that need to use GIS data, but may not be GIS experts or analysts themselves.
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