torsdag den 26. februar 2009

GeoLife 2.0: A Location-Based Social Network

Google Latitude som gør det muligt for dine venner at holde øje med dig døgnet rundt er på grænsen til det skræmmende, men en service som baserer sig på det som ER sket er nok mere spiselig. Udfra de bevægelsesmønstre man har vil det give mening at følge og se andre som kommer de samme steder og der igennem opbygge en social dimmension ...

Google Latitude makes it possible for your friends to track your every move 24x7 and that makes the hair rise but a service tracking what HAS happened makes better sense. By analyzing territory  patterns it becomes easy to see and find friends and foes moving ariund within the same circles and through that create the basis for a social experience ...


What is GeoLife? GeoLife is a GPS-data-driven social network on Microsoft Virtual Earth. It is not only a Website where individuals can manage, visualize, and understand their life experience using their own GPS trajectories; it’s also a social networking service that enables people to build connections with each other based on location histories.

Generic Location Recom

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