onsdag den 25. marts 2009

Code Assist for the ArcGIS JavaScript API: Apatana Studio plug-in




The ArcGIS JavaScript API provides classes to deliver rich mapping functionality to your applications. The Resource Center has a wealth of information about these classes, their properties and methods. When building your applications, you want this information easily accessible from within your IDE. If you've spent a lot of time creating web mapping applications with the ArcGIS JavaScript API, you've probably been missing this for a while now. Yesterday we uploaded to the Code Gallery a plug-in that provides code assistance for the ArcGIS JavaScript API in the Aptana Studio IDE. The plug-in provides the following context-sensitive information:

  • Auto-completion of source code
  • Summary of classes, constructors, properties, methods and globals
  • Parameter hints for constructors and methods

Example of assistance from plug-in 

 Example of assistance from plug-in

We believe the plug-in will greatly enhance your development experience with the ArcGIS JavaScript API. Moving forward, we intend to provide updates to this plug-in whenever a new version of the API is released. We are also working towards providing IntelliSense bits for Visual Studio. As always, we welcome your feedback.

Contributed by Praveen Ponnusamy of the ArcGIS JavaScript API development team

Read more: http://blogs.esri.com/Dev/blogs/arcgisserver/archive/2009/03/24/Code-assistance-for-the-ArcGIS-JavaScript-API_3A00_-Apatana-Studio-plug_2D00_in.aspx

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