Jeg er født i Sydkorea, men heldigvis adopteret - tænk sig at leve et sted med en nabo som Nordkorea? I 1983 gik jeg i den Internationale skole i Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania og havde blandt andet special undervisning i engelsk sammen med en nordkoreaner - og heldigvis er det jo sådan at når man står over for det enkelte individ så er vi alle sammen almindelige mennesker med de samme interesser og intentioner ...
I was born i South Korea but fortunately adopted - image living in a place where there exists a neighboor like North Korea? In 1983 I was a pupil in the International School in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and there I attended special classes in english along with a north korean boy - fortunately when meeting people face to face in daily life we are all alike and share the same interests and intentions ...
On May 25, 2009, North Korea performed a second underground test of a nuclear explosive. The first test had taken place on October 9, 2006, and resulted in several KML files pinpointing the suspected location of the test. What follows is round-up of the public geospatial intelligence gathered this time around. Where relevant, I'vecollected the information into this KMZ file. All content is attributed to its original sources.