fredag den 9. april 2010

5 Years Ago Today the Web Mashup Was Born

Tænk sig at der er gået 5 år siden at man fik mashup på hjernen ... Det virker som om det er århundreder siden ... Og dog har man herhjemme ikke helt fået fat i den lange ende endnu ... Der er simplethen ikke nok services herhjemme som det er interessant at brygge på ... Måske det vil ændre sig i den kommende år - man kan kun håbe ...

Five years ... like a century in web time terminology ... A long road travelled but far from the end ... rather a map filled with new untravelled roads have appeared ... Happy mashing!


Five years ago Paul Rademacher reverse engineered Google Maps to put Craigslist homes and rentals on a map on his site. The site essentially pre-launched the map mashup category, because there was no Google Maps API at the time. Even now, Paul’s is the prototypical example mashup and still used by many to find their new homes (and our HousingMaps profile is of course one of the first mashups added to our directory back in 2005). Since then, as we’ve seen, the Google Maps API has gone on to be the most popular API to use.



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