onsdag den 28. april 2010

Cut-out 3D model of Eyjafjallajökull volcano, Iceland

Lad din indre Jørgen Clevin sprudle ...

Rock-Paper-Scissors ...


A simple schematic model of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano summit, crater and ash plume.

It is intended as simple guide to understanding how volcanoes such as Eyjafjallajökull are influenced by tectonic plate activity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

It also shows the route of the floodwater from melted glacier ice to the sea.

The model is not to scale. The height of the volcano is highly exaggerated.

Download and assembly instructions

  1. Download cut-out 3D model of Eyjafjallajökull 2MB pdf
  2. Print the 2 pages of the pdf to an A4 printer — heavy weight paper or card works best
  3. Cut around the 3 parts of the model — you may need to get an adult to help you
    1. Ash plume
    2. Base
    3. Summit and crater
  4. Ash plume: fold and glue the two halves together
  5. Base: cut out the hole in the middle of the base
  6. Base: fold along the thick black lines and glue tabs to make-up the model like a box lid. Allow to dry.
  7. Summit and crater: fold as per the images below
  8. Glue the summit and crater to the base as per the image below. This is the tricky bit!
  9. Glue the ash plume to the summit and crater

What you will need:

Making up the base and ash plumeEquipment
Folding the summit and craterEquipment
Summit and crater assembledEquipment
Finished modelEquipment

Read more: http://www.bgs.ac.uk/research/highlights/iceland/3dVolcanicModel.html

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