søndag den 26. april 2009

B2B Social Media Dashboard: A Powerful Tool To Uncover Key Customer Insights

Sociale netværk er meget populære, men ligesom med internettet som en helhed har markedskræfterne svært ved at tilpasse sig de nye kommunikationsformer. Meeeeen når der er penge i skidtet plejer de jo enten at bekæmpe det (fildeling, pirat downloads) eller tilpasse sig (online e-handel, Google) ... De sociale netværk indeholder et kæmpe potentiale - det er der ingen tvivl om men vil de formå at komme videre end blot til hr og fru Jensen. Vil de formå at rumme Novo og Coca Cola? Måske og måske ikke ... Men måden at lade informationer strømme vil på vil være uklogt ikke at forsøge at modellere også til professionelt brug ... Et sted imellem LinkedIN og Facebook ...

Social networks are tremendously popular but as we have seen prior on the internet it has been hard for the established market models to adjust. However, when money is involved we have seen that either will they fight back (against fil sharing and piracy downloads) or adjust (e-shopping and Google) ... The social networks are a huge potential platform for new markets - no doubts about that but when will we see other user types other than Mr and Mrs Jones? When will we see Lego and Coca Cola? Seing and modelling the constant stream of information transferred within these net works it would be very unvise not to try and adapt those into professonel net works as well ... Some where between LinkedIN and Facebook ...


For many B2B marketers, social media is still a bridge too far.  Because it’s a broad concept—there are so many different ways to use social media—its amorphous nature can impede implementation.  But a good way to get beyond this obstacle and jumpstart your social media efforts is to start small and aim to get some direct value out of it.  This is exactly what you can do when you tap into social media for its hidden value: key customer insights.  My last article discussed why B2B marketers should leverage social media in this way.  Today, let’s take a look at how to get the job done.  [...]

Read more: http://searchengineland.com/b2b-social-media-dashboard-a-powerful-tool-to-uncover-key-customer-insights-17839

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