mandag den 27. april 2009

Swine flu on Google Map

Vidste du at sidste års influenza epidemier herhjemme dræbte mere en 1000 mennesker ( ?

Last winter the common flu killed more than 1000 people in Denmark alone ... 


Created by niman, a Biomedical Researcher based in Pittsburgh, the Swine Flu map plots real-time cases of confirmed and suspected cases of H1N1 Swine Flu as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).  The map color-codes markers based on the following:

  • Pink markers are suspected cases of swine flu H1N1
  • Purple markers are confirmed cases
  • Yellow markers are negative

Markers that lack a dot indicate a death from the Swine Flu. Click on each marker to get more information about that specific case.

Read more:,-78.046875&spn=150.379743,298.828125&z=1

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