søndag den 10. maj 2009

Flash vs. Silverlight: What Suits Your Needs Best?

En grundig gennemgang af de to RIA platforme og sammenligninger på en stribe parametre - værd at læse igennem ...

A thorough walk through and comparison between the two RIA platforms - worth a read ...


With the release of Silverlight 1.0 and its subsequent versions, a debate started among designers and developers regarding choosing between Flash and Silverlight. Silverlight faces difficulties in capturing the market because of the maturity of Flash. However, Silverlight has managed to keep up by including certain features that designers and developers have always wanted to see in Flash, such as search engine optimization. In this article, we will discuss some of the technical differences between Flash and Silverlight to help you choose the technology that best suits your needs. [...]


Flash uses the frame-based animation model. In frame-by-frame animation, we create an object for each frame to produce an animation sequence. For example, if you want to move something across the screen in 3 seconds, calculate how many frames 3 seconds will take, then calculate the matrices required for each frame along the way. Keep in mind that the player won’t actually maintain a frame rate unless you embed a blank audio track; otherwise, 3 seconds might turn out to be 2 or 6 or 5.

Adobe Flash Animation

Silverlight is based on the WPF animation model, which is time-based instead of frame-based, so you define the start and end conditions, and it figures out how to do it. No need to deal with matrices like with Flash. Also, no need to calculate the positions of objects in various frames. [...]

Microsoft Silverlight Animation

Read more: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/09/flash-vs-silverlight-what-suits-your-needs-best/

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