tirsdag den 12. maj 2009

Just Landed: Processing, Twitter, MetaCarta & Hidden Data

Korte tekstuelle informationer omsat til animerede visninger af fugleflugtlinjer fra A til B ... Genialt ...

Short textual informations converted into animated flight lines from A to B ... Brilliant ...


Just Landed - Screenshot

I have a friend who has a Ph.D in bioinformatics. Over a beer last week, we ended up discussing the H1N1 flu virus, epidemic modeling, and countless other fascinating and somewhat scary things. She told me that epidemiologists have been experimenting with alternate methods of creating transmission models - specifically, she talked about a group that was using data from the Where’s George? project to build a computer model for tracking and predicting the spread of contagions (which I read about again in this NYTimes article two days later). [...]

Just Landed - Screenshot

Read more: http://blog.blprnt.com/blog/blprnt/just-landed-processing-twitter-metacarta-hidden-data

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