tirsdag den 27. maj 2008

Using MapShaper to Create Smaller Shapefiles and KML through Finder!


We’ve been doing a lot of data migration and new data uploads with Finder! and often times our data team runs into data and mapping headaches. One that we commonly encounter are largish shapefiles that make for really bloated KML when we convert it (for instance a 2mb shapefile for US counties becomes a 5.4 mb KML file). The end result are big files that completely kill browser based applications like Virtual Earth and Google Maps, or load really slowly in thick client applications like Google Earth and ESRI AGX.

There are three factors that constitute file bloat for any vector based geospatial data:

1) The number of attributes (how many columns)
2) The number of features (how many rows)
3) The complexity of the geometry (how much needs to be drawn)

You can do some clever things to manage the first two at a low level - although you still are going to have bloat when you convert to a standard file format. The third factor, geometry complexity, is interesting because you can also do some low level tricks whose savings can be passed along to standard file formats. Reducing the complexity of geometry is often called “map generalization” in academic circles.

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