onsdag den 14. oktober 2009

Augmented Google Earth Gets Real-Time People, Cars, Clouds

Søren viste det til mig for nogle måneder siden, men der er først nu at jeg hører om det via mine andre kilder ...

Cool ...


Researchers from Georgia Tech have devised methods to take real-time, real-world information and layer it onto Google Earth, adding dynamic information to the previously sterile Googlescape.

They use live video feeds (sometimes from many angles) to find the position and motion of various objects, which they then combine with behavioral simulations to produce real-time animations for Google Earth or Microsoft Virtual Earth.

They use motion capture data to help their animated humans move realistically, and were able to extrapolate cars' motion throughout an entire stretch of road from just a few spotty camera angles.

From their video of an augmented virtual Earth, you can see if the pickup soccer game in the park is short a player, how traffic is on the highway, and how fast the wind is blowing the clouds across the sky.

Up next, they say they want to add weather, birds, and motion in rivers. [...]

Read more:

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej Sik

    Det var en video fra Firmaet Sentinel AVE (AVE= Augmented Virtual Earth) Sven og du så hos mig

    har et blogindlæg her http://www.microformats.dk/2008/07/24/multivideo-streaming-i-3d-verdener/ samt link til video
