torsdag den 15. oktober 2009

ESRI won't be there, what do we tell people?

Hvad sker der her? Tør de (ESRI) ikke stille op? Er de bange for en 3. plads eller hva'? Det er ikke en skam at tabe til nogen som er bedre end en selv - det er en skam ikke at turde ... En anden mulighed er at de planlagte benchmark tests ikke er tænkt ordentligt igennem ...

What is going on here? Aren't they (ESRI) up for it? Are they afraid they will be left on third place or what? Never a shame to loose when beaten by better competitors - a shame it is not to dare ... Or it just might be that the benchmarks aren't fairly thought through? Let's wait to hear the official ESRI saying on this matter ...


I was wondering what to do about the ESRI departure.  We had this public announcement  so it's not really possible to just say that "it never happened". People will look forward to see how the three servers stack up and will be disappointed not to see ArcGis including in the lot, it really was the highlight of the year.  So I guess we'll have to say something, either in the slides, or by voice, or by having Cameron make a counter announcement that rectifies the first. The most sensible approach, imho, is to have ESRI representatives tell us what they would prefer. Are you still around? Please, help us :-)  Cheers Andrea  --  Andrea Aime OpenGeo - Expert service straight from the developers.

Andrea, I have shared some information with Cameron on how to proceed on this. I do understand the sense of disappointment that the rest of the team has with this decision. Cameron should be able to put some information out there regarding our decision.  I will be there at FOSS4G along with another colleague participating in the CCIP demo. We will touch base with the "shoot out" folks while in Australia.  Thanks.  Satish ESRI
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