mandag den 8. marts 2010

Google Acquires Microsoft Office Collaboration Tool DocVerse

Da jeg læste dette kom jeg til at tænke på hvorledes konkurrencen ville se ud hvis Google var et rent GIS firma ... Tænk hvis Google's hovedmodstander var ESRI, hvordan ville de da blive mødt på kamppladsen? En DocVerse tilgang virker slet ikke utænkelig ... Udvid konkurrentens produkter så de bliver mere lig dine egne ... Desktop udvidelser med direkte adgang til Google skyen synes at være umiddelbart forekommende ...

As I read this I was thinking ... What if Google was pure GIS and wanted to wipe out, say ESRI, they would make ESRI products cloudy and interoperable with Google products. Work with ESRI one day and Google the next and not even notice ...

DocVerse Screenshot 2


Google has just announced the acquisition of DocVerse, a startup that adds Google Docs-like functionality to Microsoft Office.

In a blog post, Google explains: “We recognize that many people are still accustomed to desktop software. So as we continue to improve Google DocsGoogle Docs and Google Sites as rich collaboration tools, we’re also making it easier for people to transition to the cloud, and interoperate with desktop applications like Microsoft Office.” That’s exactly what DocVerse will help them do — as we described in our review of the service back in November: [...]

Microsoft Office Plugin

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