'Jeg sender lige en kopi af Internettet' ...
'I'll send you a copy of the Internet' ...
Once you build a brand on the Internet, you try different ways to build upon that brand. That’s exactly what Scott Adams, creator of the very popular Dilbert comic strip, is trying to do with his new service "Dilbert Files".
Send large email attachments with Dilbert Files
Read more: http://www.labnol.org/internet/dilbert-files-for-sending-large-email-attachments/5417/
The web application seems to be more of a novelty than anything else considering the fact that there are better and more established services currently online, such as 2large2email (http://www.2large2email.com/), and that you can read the comic strip free off the web anyway. 2large2email also has a free plan which allow file transfers of up to 100mb.
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