mandag den 17. november 2008

YouTube API Blog: YouTube Geo Search + Gears Geolocation = Find Flix Near You!

Prøvede demoen og har umiddelbart svært ved at se hvori geolocationen kom ind i billedet i forhold til de viste youtube videoer. Pt er det kun geolocationen på upload stedet som ser ud til at være afgørende for relevansen og ikke indholdet. Når sidstnævnte er på plads begynder det at give mening ...

Tried the demo and at first glance I don't get it. The upload geolocation seems to be the only parameter for a search hit and not so much the content of the youtube video. When that however is integrated it all starts to make sense ...


With Geo-based search for YouTube API, you can now find all those wonderful videos nearby a particular location. And of course, a visitor to your site is most likely interested in his/her current location when using this feature. This is where the Gears Geolocation API comes in handy.

Gears Geolocation API provides a best-effort approximation (WIFI-based for PC and GPS/CellID-based for mobile devices) of your physical location. The Gears module builds on top of the IP-based ClientLocation locator we previously blogged about. When you combine these two features together, you can create some really interesting and useful applications. Check out thisdemo that I put together that let you geo-search for videos nearby your current location and overlay them with Google Maps. The demo source code for this can be found here

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