søndag den 16. november 2008


Endnu en globe dukkede op for mine øjne - EarthBrowser. Denne klode er kodet vha. Adobe Air og er et frisk nyt pust nu hvor man har vænnet sig til 'de andre' kloder. Det er dog heller ikke kortdata som denne klode brillierer med, men mængden af klode-relateret data såsom vejrudsigter, info om lande, vulkansk aktivitet, web cams osv osv. Kloden er som navnet antyder en måde at browse sig igennem store mængder af data ...

Yet another globe appeared before my eyes - EarthBrowser. This globe is coded using Adobe Air and it is a fresh new member of the globe family. It is not however the amount (quality) of the geographic data that makes this globe a worthy competitor it is all the globe related data that you can add to the globe. Weather, country information, vulcanoes, web cams etc etc. The globe has its name for what it is - an earth shaped browser ...


Matt Giger at EarthBrowser brings us news and a demo about the web version of his flash 3D viewer. Here is part of his summary : "I've been working very hard to get the EarthBrowser Javascript API ready to show off at Adobe MAX next week. The API is nearly done and it is much more powerful than I first imagined it. With it you can put EarthBrowser directly on your website and control every aspect of the user interface, globe, camera, clock from a HTML script tag. It understands KML, JSON, XML, AMF and even Shapefiles with projected coordinates (I ported the proj.4 library to Actionscript). There is also the ability to smoothly animate features based on time coordinates for which I gave a Google "tech talk" about in July."

Read more: http://www.earthbrowser.com/

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