søndag den 23. november 2008

Google Maps for iPhone adds Street View, public transit, and walking directions

Når interfacet gør brug af den indbyggede g-sensor begynder det at give mening ... en form for statisk fastfrosset virtuel reality begynder at tage form ...

When the interface makes use of the bulit in g-sensor it starts to make sense ... a kind of static and frozen virtual reality starts to take form ...


The most eye-catching one is Street View: Apple's silky-smooth implementation makes it a joy to pan around the world. You might wonder why you'd want to look at panoramas of the world while you're already out in it, but I've found it handy for getting an idea of what to look for when going somewhere new. In somewhere like New York, it's also a great way to get your bearings when you pop out of a subway station in an unfamiliar part of town. [...]

Read more: http://googlemobile.blogspot.com/2008/11/google-maps-for-iphone-adds-street-view.html

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