tirsdag den 30. september 2008

Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer


Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer

by Bryan Eisenberg, John Quarto-Vontivadar and Lisa T. Davis
Sybex © 2008 (336 pages)
ISBN: 9780470290637

If you want more leads, sales, and profits from your website, this unique book shows you how to use Google Website Optimizer to discover what is best for your site and your bottom line.


Buy: http://www.amazon.com/Always-Be-Testing-Complete-Optimizer/dp/0470290633

Fixing Microsoft: A How-To Guide

Skal Microsoft bare vænne sig til at være den lille eller kan de vinde det tabte terræn tilbage igen? Microsoft har aldrig vist det store talent på web siden - kan de blive ved med at halse bagefter?

Is Microsoft just gonna get used to be the smaller one or can they get back in the lead? Microsoft has never really shown big talents on the web - can they survive trying to keep up with greater talents?


Other than another profitable quarter, Microsoft (MSFT) has little to celebrate these days. The company is falling sadly behind, serving fewer ads, video clips, search results, or personal Web pages than rival Google (GOOG). Microsoft's $300 million ad campaign humanized Bill Gates but left consumers wondering, Where's the beef? The company can't even seem to buy up competitors (Yahoo! (YHOO), anyone?).

And the world is moving away from the kind of desktop-based software that makes up Microsoft's bread and butter, shifting toward a more distributed form of computing that exists in the so-called cloud, where the operating system (OS) disappears into a fog of user-friendly online applications and servers, scattered across the Internet.

In the midst of so much upheaval, what's an 800-pound gorilla to do?

Fortunately, large monopolies can reinvent themselves. IBM (IBM) did it. Twice. How else could the company that dominated the mechanical punch-card market have crossed the chasm to dominate electronic computers? And reinvention is precisely how the company known for mainframes—those mammoth, centrally located machines supporting thousands of users—pioneered the personal computer.


Read more: http://www.businessweek.com/print/technology/content/sep2008/tc20080926_754240.htm

Video explains "Parcel Notification List" JavaScript example




Currently the most popular download on the ArcGIS JavaScript API Code Gallery is the Parcel Notification List application written and submitted by Jeff Archer from ESRI. In this video Jeff takes a few minutes to show how the sample works and gives a quick run-through of the code and components under the hood.

While local governments may be able use the application "as-is", there is enough starter material for any Web application that needs to select features based on a distance from other features and return tabular attributes of the results.

Download it, use it, modify it... it's up to you. And please leave comments on the download page if you have any questions or suggestions you think might help.

Contributed by Jim Barry of the EDN team.


Read more: http://blogs.esri.com/Dev/blogs/arcgisserver/archive/2008/09/30/Video-explains-_2200_Parcel-Notification-List_2200_-JavaScript-example.aspx

To Block Google StreetView, German Town To Require, Then Deny Permit

Er det en god ide at beskytte sig eller er det hysteri? 

Protect yourself or be insane?

 Blumenthal   Mielkendorf   Molfsee   Rodenbek   Rumohr   Schierensee blank


Just a couple months after launching in Europe, Google StreetView is running into a roadblock in Germany. Via WebProNews, Spiegel Online reports that the small town of Molfsee in northwestern Germany plans to require Google to request a permit before being allowed to record video while driving through the town’s streets.


Read more: http://searchengineland.com/german-town-wants-to-block-google-streetview-14857.php

Virtual Earth Gallery in trueSpace; Plus a Contest

Vis hvad du kan - et koncept som gavner alle ...

Show what you can - a concept good for all ...


We're looking for a few good 3D designers to submit their best 3D work in Microsoft Virtual Earth (or Live Search Maps). A new addition to the Caligari (trueSpace) 3D Authoring and Collaboration site is a Virtual Earth Gallery specifically dedicated projects with geolocation in mind. You can browse through user submitted 3D objects to place them in your collection in Live Search Maps. For more information on how to do this, you can review my post -Announcing trueSpace for Virtual Earth 3D Development - please note trueSpace 7.6 is FREE. Don't pay for it on some rip off web site - Register and Download trueSpace 7.6 for free. In addition to my post, the Caligari team has improved some of their own documentation explaining Windows Live ID and some finer details about the integration with a Virtual Earth and trueSpace primer.

ESRI API Evaluator




ESRI created this tool so that they can get information about how developers use their APIs, without developers actually shipping the code to them. The idea of sending the results to them is that they can then focus their efforts on improving the SDK itself.


mandag den 29. september 2008

Sneak Preview of GeoCommons Maker from FortiusOne

Data omsat til punkter på et kort ... bliver det til halvkugler i 3D?

Data shown as dots on a map ... do they become half globes in 3D?


The following is a graduated symbol map showing number of Facebook users by city in the US.

Maker screen shot

Connecting the Dots: Why Geocoding is Critical for Businesses

Prikker og rette linjer ... Med et kort underneden kan de gå hen og blive penge værd - eller også er det omvendt?

Dots and lines ... Put a map underneath and you may be dealing with huge sums of money - or is it the other way around?


Many companies have found geo-location or geo-targeting technology to be of value in Internet advertising. Pay-per-click search engines like Google and Yahoo offer the ability for advertisers to deliver targeted advertising banners based on the location of the website visitor's IP address. 

For marketers, geocoding is critical in targeting specific demographics. Appending demographic census track data to latitude and longitude coordinates helps marketers target the right demographics - those who would be most likely to respond to their offer or marketing message. 

Insurance companies are relying increasingly on geocoding techniques to help set premiums and make underwriting decisions based on the physical location of the insured property. Take Hurricane Katrina and storm-surge damage, for example. Most insurance carriers have their own set of rules and criteria when it comes to underwriting, such as property elevation and determining the distance of the property from/to the coast. Such an imprecise standard may leave carriers insuring properties that may not be situated in a flood zone, but are actually in a storm-surge zone - where the flood exclusions in their policies would not apply. 

Testable Web Apps: Intro to ASP.NET MVC

Noget til kodehovederne ...

Something for the code geeks ...


I'm becoming more and more reliant on unit testing as a critical part of my development process, and so I'm really excited to get a chance to build some web applications (internal research sites) using the new ASP.NET MVC (model-view-controller) bits. It's not "officially" released, but it's in "Preview 5", there is a "go-live" license, and it means you can build saner web apps without all the ASP.NET Web Forms shinanigans. So lets jump in!

I'm going to be doing a number of posts related to ASP.NET MVC, and this will be the "anchor" post - I will likely be editing it over time to add in more pointers to good resources.


Read more: http://blog.davebouwman.net/2008/09/29/TestableWebAppsIntroToASPNETMVC.aspx

Google Earth Hacks mobile and The Amazing Race 13

Noget for de heldige ejere af en iPhone eller lign. ;-)

Something for the lucky owners of an iPhone or the like ;-)


A couple of fun toys for today.  I’ve created a mobile version of Google Earth Hacks, allowing you to view about 80% of the files (18,000 or so) on the go.  It works best on the iPhone, taking advantage of the built-in Google Maps, but should work on any recent phone.  Get details here, or simply visit m.gearthhacks.com on your phone.

Yahoo and Mashable Extend BOSS Mashable Challenge

Mashups er nutidens HTML. Hvordan laver jeg en hjemmeside? Ku' man det i midt 90'erne så var man med på beatet. Fremgangsmåden var at låne af hinanden (kopiere lyder så grimt ;-) og det gik stærkt. Siderne blev flottere og flottere lige indtil der ikke var ret meget mere krudt og komme efter. Idag er der hældt nye bønner på suppe og dagens ret hedder Mashups!

Mashups are todays HTML. How do you make your own homepage? If you new how in the mid 90s you were hot. The fastest way foreward was to borrow from others (copy is closer to the truth but do not sound so good ;-) and the number of pages grew fast. Homepages became more and more sofisticated and so it went on until the web somehow went short on fuel. Luckily for us all a new source of power has come along - Mashups.


Mashable and Yahoo! Search have extended the deadline for the BOSS Mashable Challenge. This contest, now running through October 5th, will award prizes to developers who create the best mashups with the Yahoo BOSS API. As many readers will recall from our earlier coverage on BOSS, the BOSS (Build Your Own Search Service) platform lets developers build their own full-blown custom search applications on Yahoo’s index of the Internet, the same infrastructure that underlies Yahoo Search.

Adobe Talks Open Source, Innovation and the Future of Flash

Adobe er presset, men lever på grund af sin store udbredelse og idet Google og Microsoft hidtil ikke har rettet skytset imod Adobe kerneområder. Dette har ændret sig på det seneste - SilverLight fra MS og Chrome fra Google. Om svaret ligger i Open Source er svært at sige, men mange andre mellemstore software huse har måttet gå mere eller mindre frivilligt ad den vej.

Adobe is under pressure and still lives because of it large usage all around and because neither Google nor Microsoft has until now shown professional interest in the Adobe areas of exspertice. This has changed lately - SilverLight from Microsoft and Chrome from Google. If the answer is Open Source is hard to say but the truth is that other Adobe sized companies more or less volunteringly has gone down that alley. 


Kevin Lynch, CTO of Adobe talks with eWEEK about open-sourcing Flash, the new Adobe Creative Suite 4 (CS4), mobile technology and more. Lynch also talks of competing with Microsoft Silverlight and Expression and possibly with Google Chrome.

Microsoft's Mundie outlines the future of computing

Det er nærmest utroligt at se hvorledes de to store (Google & Microsoft) begge har fået øjnene op for GIS og hvorledes at det nærmest er det som definerer fremtiden for web'en. Det er altså ikke mange år siden at GIS ikke fyldte ret meget mere end en nål i en høstak. I fremtiden skal man lede efter halmstrået i stakken af nåle.

Its incredible to see how the two big (Google & Micrsoft) both have seen GIS as the way to go and today more or less define the future web based on it. Its not many years ago you had to look for GIS as the needle in the haystack. In the future you'll see a straw buried in a pile of push pins.


CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--Microsoft Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie on Thursday offered a long-term view of where Microsoft and the world of computing are heading over the next few decades. Speaking at the MIT Emerging Technology Conference here, Mundie envisioned a 3D virtual world populated by virtual presences, using a combination of client and cloud services.

søndag den 28. september 2008

Wanted: amateurs to help track earthquakes

Gad vide hvordan måleren kan kende forskel på jordrystelser og andre 'rystelser'?

Wonder how the sensors can know the difference between real shakes and other shakes?


Earthquake scientists want to borrow your laptop or maybe a little space in your basement or garage.

Seismology graduate student Julian Lozos monitors earthquakes on a laptop with a built-in motion sensor.

Seismology graduate student Julian Lozos monitors earthquakes on a laptop with a built-in motion sensor.

Researchers don't have enough high-tech monitoring stations to track every instance of ground shaking, so they are enlisting help from ordinary people to document quakes and pinpoint areas of possible damage.


Read more: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/09/25/earthquake.trackers.ap/index.html

Global Air Traffic Simulation

Sikke en masse CO2 ...

All that CO2 ...



Read more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XBwjQsOEeg&eurl=http://www.mcwetboy.net/maproom/2008/09/global_air_traf.php

Displaying KML/KMZ files in Google Maps

Bjørn Sandvik har virkelig forstået at få tematisering på Google Map/Earth bragt på kortet så at sige.

Bjørn Sandvik has really made thematic mapping and Google Map/Earth on the map so to speak.


KML/KMZ files can be overlaid on Google Maps, either on theGoogle Maps website, or by using the GGeoXML class of the Google Maps API (see example).

The KMZ file (download) displayed above was generated by theThematic Mapping Engine. Only a subset of the KML standard is so far supported by Google Maps. The shaded plygons are properly displayed, but not the screen overlays (title and legend) and balloons. The different placement of the zoom bar in Google Maps and Google Earth makes it difficult to display the same KML/KMZ file in multiple viewers.

ESRI on Twitter

ESRI har fattet det. Man skal være der hvor folk er ... Hvornår fatter kommunerne det?

ESRI has got it right. You gotta be where the crowd is ... When will the (Danish) municipalities grasp that?


ESRI is expanding its presence on Twitter.


AGI GeoCommunity 08 Keynotes - Day One

Jeg havde ikke hørt om AGI førend at information om deres aktuelle konference dukkede op på min skærm. Det ser dog ud til at være en meget spændende organisation som man bør følge. Så vidt jeg kan se er det en interesseorganisation som alle kan være medlem af og bidrage til. 

I had not heard about AGI until infromation about the ongoing conference hit my screen. It does however appear to be a very interessting organization which one ought to inspect. As far as I can gasp its an organization all can become member of and contribute to working for common GIS goals.


AGI GeoCommunity '08

There was a triple header opening plenary for the AGI GeoCommunity ’08 Conference being held in Stratford-on-Avon. Two private sector players, Microsoft and Autodesk, represented by Sean Phelan of Multimap, now part of Microsoft and Geoff Zeiss of Autodesk, bookended a presentation from Vanessa Lawrence of Ordnance Survey.