tirsdag den 23. september 2008

Routing With Open Standards and Data From Denmark to Italy

Alle veje fører til Rom. Open source data og applikationer åbner muligheder for at en langt større kreativitet kommer på banen som igen fører til mange flere ideer og muligheder for os alle.

All roads lead to Rome. Open source data and applications gives birth to a big variety of creativity which in turn leads to new ideas and numerous possibilities for us all.


OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a project in which a community of volunteers generates a free world map, which has, in some cities, turned out to be more detailed than commercial or government data. Until now the world of "volunteered geography" (Goodchild) collaborative projects and the world of geographic information (GI) standards used by the GI market and defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) were still somewhat separate.OpenRouteService.org is trying to bring these two worlds together. It is the first routing service that uses OSM data and provides those through the standardized interfaces specified by the OGC within the OGC Open Location Services initiative (OpenLS). 

OpenRouteService now supports routing from Denmark to Italy. Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Denmark and Liechtenstein are currently supported by the OpenLS Routing Service and OpenLS Directory Service (POI Search), the OGC WMS and WFS used by OpenRouteService.org. The version for the United Kingdom/Great Britain will go live soon; the coverage will be further extended.


Read more: http://www.directionsmag.com/article.php?article_id=2876&trv=1

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