tirsdag den 16. september 2008

New Feature: Cluster Your Map’s Markers With Click2Map

Kort for hovedet nævnes nederst på siden i denne artikel ...

The GIScovery channel is mentioned at the bottom of this article ...


Today, the team of Click2Map is proud to officially launch a feature that tackles one of the major weaknesses of online maps: Crowded maps.

The experience of maps is often diminished when markers are concentrated in a specific location, therefore lapping over one another. Here at Click2Map, as some of you already know, we are dedicated to take Google Maps to a higher level of control for your various professional needs.


And the news was also picked up by Kort for hovedet - The GIScovery Channel. This means a lot to us, thank you guys.


Read more: http://blog.click2map.com/2008/09/15/new-cluster-marker-maps-click2map/

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