lørdag den 20. september 2008

The intelligent cloud

Cloud computing er kommet for at blive. Skyen vil vokse til en sand torden med samme kraft og saft.

Cloud computing is here to stay. The cloud will grow to become a true thunder and lightning storm.


In coming years, computer processing, storage, and networking capabilities will continue up the steeply exponential curve they have followed for the past few decades. By 2019, parallel-processing computer clusters will be 50 to 100 times more powerful in most respects. Computer programs, more of them web-based, will evolve to take advantage of this newfound power, and Internet usage will also grow: more people online, doing more things, using more advanced and responsive applications. By any metric, the "cloud" of computational resources and online data and content will grow very rapidly for a long time.


Read more: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/intelligent-cloud.html

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