tirsdag den 23. september 2008

Microsoft, Mozilla, Google Talk Browser Futures

Dette giver minder tilbage til afslutningen på anden verdenskrig. Roosevelt, Churchill og Stalin sidder som sejrherrer og deler verden. Ud adtil smilende og enige, men vi ved alle hvordan det sidenhen gik. Hvilken browser der bedst matcher disse herrer vil jeg lade være op til læseren.

This reminds of the ending of ww2. Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin are victorous and together they dived the world. All smiling and befriended but we all know what happened afterwards. Which browser represents which before mentioned gentleman - that I will leave for the reader to decide.


Representatives of big browser makers Microsoft, Mozilla and Google talk about the future of browsers, as developers decry browser incompatibility and ask what browser makers plan to do about it. The panel of experts talked about HTML 5, Canvas, Silverlight, IE 8, Google Chrome and Firefox at the Web 2.0 Expo.

NEW YORK -- In a session billed as the browser wars up close and personal, key Microsoft, Mozilla and Google representatives spoke about the past present and future of the browser platform as they see it.

In the session at the Web 2.0 Expo here on Sept. 19, entitled "The Future of Browsers," Chris Wilson, platform architect in the Internet Explorer (IE) team at Microsoft, Brendan Eich, chief technology officer at Mozilla and creator of JavaScript, and Ojan Vafai, a software engineer on the Google Chrome team took questions from the dynamic duo of Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer, the co-founders of Ajaxian.com.


Read more: http://www.eweek.com/index2.php?option=content&task=view&id=49653&pop=1&hide_ads=1&page=0&hide_js=1

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