mandag den 29. september 2008

Testable Web Apps: Intro to ASP.NET MVC

Noget til kodehovederne ...

Something for the code geeks ...


I'm becoming more and more reliant on unit testing as a critical part of my development process, and so I'm really excited to get a chance to build some web applications (internal research sites) using the new ASP.NET MVC (model-view-controller) bits. It's not "officially" released, but it's in "Preview 5", there is a "go-live" license, and it means you can build saner web apps without all the ASP.NET Web Forms shinanigans. So lets jump in!

I'm going to be doing a number of posts related to ASP.NET MVC, and this will be the "anchor" post - I will likely be editing it over time to add in more pointers to good resources.


Read more:

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