mandag den 29. september 2008

Microsoft's Mundie outlines the future of computing

Det er nærmest utroligt at se hvorledes de to store (Google & Microsoft) begge har fået øjnene op for GIS og hvorledes at det nærmest er det som definerer fremtiden for web'en. Det er altså ikke mange år siden at GIS ikke fyldte ret meget mere end en nål i en høstak. I fremtiden skal man lede efter halmstrået i stakken af nåle.

Its incredible to see how the two big (Google & Micrsoft) both have seen GIS as the way to go and today more or less define the future web based on it. Its not many years ago you had to look for GIS as the needle in the haystack. In the future you'll see a straw buried in a pile of push pins.


CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--Microsoft Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie on Thursday offered a long-term view of where Microsoft and the world of computing are heading over the next few decades. Speaking at the MIT Emerging Technology Conference here, Mundie envisioned a 3D virtual world populated by virtual presences, using a combination of client and cloud services.

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