mandag den 3. november 2008

The Elephant in the conference room

Har vi snart brug for mere fancy functionalitet? Er det ikke snarere hurtige og robuste løsninger som hitter? Google har om nogen levet op til dette. Hvis man kikker på deres produkter er de ikke vildt avancerede, men til gengæld forøges værdien hver gang de kobler to eller flere af deres systemer sammen. Og driftsikker og hurtig - Google er næsten synonym for dette.

Do we need more fancy functionality? Don't we just thirst for fast and robust solutions? Google has if any achieved this. I you look at any of their products they aren't very rich in functionality but it's when combining two or more Google systems you gain the advantage. And reliable and fast seems to be patented by Google.


Last week ESRI held its annual European User group meeting in London, which as usual was a masterpiece in professional conference production. Jack gave an inspirational conference keynote on the first day followed by some great product demos by the team from ESRI UK who were the hosts of the conference this year. This was followed by team from Redlands with some pointers as to future features to be expected in the next major release of ArcGIS 9.4 towards the end of next year.


We are at a stage now in the development of the GIS industry that key vendors such as ESRI are now concentrating on improving the quality and robustness of the software rather than adding even more specialised functionality, a key sign of maturity and something that both Microsoft and Apple are now focusing on for their next releases of their operating systems, at the same time how information is discovered and shared to ultimately power these GIS tools is still caught up with the IP and publishing models of the 19th century.

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