søndag den 2. november 2008

Impressions from Microsoft PDC

Læs om Mortens oplevelser over there ... Jeg kan kun anbefale at følge med i Mortens Blog: http://www.sharpgis.net/  

Read Mortens recap from over there ... And read his blog: http://www.sharpgis.net/


I attended the Microsoft PDC in Los Angeles Convention Center this week, and here's a recap of various statements, quotes and sessions that I found interesting.

  • TL16: "The Future of C#" by Anders Hejlsberg. My Danish hero and the brain behind C# talks about where C# is headed with upcoming v4 and 5 of C#.View
  • TL49: "Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies" by Scott Hanselman. Using a a wide varity of .NET core technologies, Scott takes his BabySmash application and ports it to WPF, Silverlight, Mobile and Surface, in his usual entertaining way. Great demonstration of the power of .NET. View
  • PC06: "Deep Dive: Building an Optimized, Graphics-Intensive Application in Microsoft Silverlight" by Seema Ramchandani. Seema goes through all the gory internal details of how Silverlight works and uses this knowledge to present a great set of tips and tricks to making the performance of your Silverlight applications scream. A must-see if you are doing serious work with Silverlight. View
  • TL26: "Parallel Programming for Managed Developers with the Next Version of Microsoft Visual Studio" by Daniel Moth. Processors are not really getting much faster anymore, but instead we get more and more cores to work with, but this also requires us to start changing the way we make software. The Parallel Framework that comes in .NET 4 makes this task really easy. All I can say is that this framework rocks! View
  • BB24: "SQL Server 2008: Deep Dive into Spatial Data" by Isaac Kunen. Isaac's deep dive on the spatial support in SQL Server (thanks for the plug Isaac :-). View
  • PC29: "Microsoft Silverlight 2: Control Model" by Karen Corby. Good information on how to build reusable, skinnable controls for Silverlight. View
  • PC32: "ASP.NET AJAX Futures" by Bertrand Le Roy. Upcoming features for ASP.NET AJAX. View

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