torsdag den 11. september 2008

The future of search

Søg og du skal finde siger man og det er sikkert rigtigt - det er bare et spørgsmål hvor længe. Idag kan vi finde rigtig meget rigtig hurtigt takket være søgemaskiner som Google - på den anden side var der intet at finde hvis ikke der var nogen som producerede noget. Information er viden - brug af viden er magt - se bare på Google.

There is a saying Search and you shall find and that might very well be true - it's just a matter of how long you must search. Today you can find A LOT very QUICKLY thanks to search engines like Google - but then if no body produced anything there wouldn't be anything to search for. Information is knowledge and the use of knowledge is power - look at Google.



We’re all familiar with 80-20 problems, where the last 20% of the solution is 80% of the work. Search is a 90-10 problem. Today, we have a 90% solution: I could answer all of my unanswered Saturday questions, not ideally or easily, but I could get it done with today’s search tool. (If you’re curious, the answers are below.) However, that remaining 10% of the problem really represents 90% (in fact, more than 90%) of the work. Coming up with elegant, fitting and relevant solutions to meet the challenges of mobility, modes, media, personalization, location, socialization, and language will take decades. Search is a science that will develop and advance over hundreds of years. Think of it like biology and physics in the 1500s or 1600s: it’s a new science where we make big and exciting breakthroughs all the time. However, it could be a hundred years or more before we have microscopes and an understanding of the proverbial molecules and atoms of search. Just like biology and physics several hundred years ago, the biggest advances are yet to come. That’s what makes the field of Internet search so exciting.


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