onsdag den 10. september 2008

Is Web 2.0 already on its way out?

Ingen tvivl om at web 2.0 oversælges og de samme dybe tallerkner vil blive sendt rundt lang tid fremover. Og sådan skal det også være. Når man er midt i bølgen så er det den man snakker om og så er det kun nogle enkelte som er heldige at ride hele vejen op på stranden. Dem skal man til gengæld lære af og kopiere så man også en dag står tørskoet på sandbankerne. Visionerne herhjemme og specielt på det kommunale marked har i mine øjne altid haltet et par år bagud så det har altid været let at se hvad det er som vil rykke på det marked om et par år. Web 2.0 vil forlængst være passeret når alle kommuner er kommet med, men det er OK for til den tid er teknikkerne på plads og metoderne på plads - til gengæld raser web 3.0 ...

No doubt that web 2.0 is over sold by some and the same wheels are invented over and over and that is just how it is and should be. When you are in the middle of a giant wave you can't focus on much else and only a select few will make it nicely to the beach. These lucky tallented few are on the other hand those guys you will want to copy and learn from. The visions here in Denmark especially on the municipality level is way behind and as such it has been easy to predict what will be 'hot' in a few years time from now - and that's OK. By then all techniques are well in place and costs are low. On the other hand the next big wave web 3.0 say is all over you.


Analysis: Demo Fall 2008 gives indications that its social networking and ubiquitous connectivity business assumptions are wrong

By Galen Gruman, IDG News ServiceSeptember 09, 2008

At a conference that devoted much of its attention to celebrating the rise of collaborative platforms, media, and technologies, you had to wonder if the "Web 2.0" collaborative future would die before it really began. That was my takeaway from the Demo Fall 2008 conference in San Diego, which gave 72 startups six minutes each to show their stuff, usually in beta form.
Most of the startups focused on collaborative technologies, from the still-popular but overcrowded photo sharing and contacts sharing services to the more intriguing ones such as Qtask's eponyous online project collaboration suite in the business space and MixMatchMusic's self-named service for musical collaboration, which is meant to let artists work together and then share in revenues from their works.


Read more: http://www.infoworld.com/archives/emailPrint.jsp?R=printThis&A=/article/08/09/09/37NF-Demo2008-web-2_1.html

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