onsdag den 3. september 2008

Picasa Refresh Brings Facial Recognition

Jeg hørte for nogle måneder siden om et shooting star firma som kunne det her og som man troede ville blive den nye killer app. Nu har Google (igen) overhalet indenom og lur mig om ikke man snart vil kunne søge efter personer i google billedsøgning?

A couple a months ago I heard about a shooting star company that did what picasa now do and it was foretold to be the next killer app. Now Google has (again) taken the lead a if I'm not mistaken it won't be long before you can search for people in Googles image search.


In the anticipated release of Google’s new and improved Picasa, the company will offer facial recognition technology to help you identify friends and family in your pictures without requiring you to tag them by-hand each time you see them.


Read more: http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/09/02/picasa-refresh-brings-facial-recognition/

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