onsdag den 10. september 2008

Preventing paranoia: when does Google Chrome talk to Google.com?

For år tilbage var man bange for hvad Microsoft eventuelt kunne hente/styre af informationer via deres styrestemer og programmer. Den samme skepsis vil Google naturligvis også møde og denne gang er den muligvis mere reel. Ikke nu, men hvad kan det blive til?

Years back people were worried about what Giant Microsoft might be able to control via their operation systems and programs. The same scepticism is there again towards Google and who knows it might be reel this time. Mayby not now but what can it be turned into?


For better or worse, my blog is popular with the Google conspiracy-theorist demographic. I knew that as soon as Google Chrome launched, some readers would ask tough questions about privacy and how/when Google Chrome communicates with google.com.

So I decided to tackle this issue head-on. I talked to the Chrome team to find out if there’s anything to worry about. The short answer is no. For the long answer, read on.


Read more: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/google-chrome-communication/

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