onsdag den 15. oktober 2008

The New York Times Releases Its First API

En avis som tilbyder en API, så har man set det med og det ser ud til at være en god ide.

A news paper that offers an API, well not what you would expect but might be a good idea.


The New York Times
After much anticipation, The New York Times has released its first API: a Campaign Finance API that allows developers to retrieve contribution and expenditure data based on United States Federal Election Commission filings (our New York Times Campaign Finance API profile). The API is part of the new Times Developer Network, which will eventually give developers access to several APIs.


The Developer Network site includes various resources, including APIdocumentation, a developer’s forum, and an application gallery (the API itself is managed by Mashery). The app gallery currently includes a few examples, such as a PHP-based Campaign Finance Chart Application that leverages both The New York Times API and the Google Charts API (and is our Mashup of the Daytoday).

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