Obama er uden tvivl den nye teknologis præsident ... Ved hjælp af moderne kommunikation og sociale netværk vandt han det hvide hus og den selv samme teknologi vil sørge for at han bliver den hidtil mest digitalt dokumenterede præsident ...

Obame won the White House hugely with the help of modern technology ... Using todays communication channels and social networks he reached the whole world and the exaxct same technology will ensure that he will be the most digitally documented president the world has yet seen ...

CNN, Microsoft and GeoEye are collaborating in various ways to capture the inauguration of Barack Obama in imagery. CNN is asking anyone attending the inauguration to send digital photographs to contribute to a project called "The Moment" that will feature a 3D montage using Microsoft's Photosynth. Microsoft is asking those using a camera phone or digital camera to take photos and mail them to cnnmoment@live.com but to make sure that the Capitol building is in the image as the technology uses common reference points to create the 3D image.
GeoEye will have GeoEye-1 passing over the Mall at 11:19 a.m. on Tuesday according to Beet.tv. Weather permitting, high resolution imagery will be provided to the media. The image will also be used as part of the Photosynth project.
Read more: http://apb.directionsmag.com/archives/5275-CNN,-GeoEye,-Microsoft-Photosynth-to-Capture-Inauguration.html
GeoEye will have GeoEye-1 passing over the Mall at 11:19 a.m. on Tuesday according to Beet.tv. Weather permitting, high resolution imagery will be provided to the media. The image will also be used as part of the Photosynth project.
Read more: http://apb.directionsmag.com/archives/5275-CNN,-GeoEye,-Microsoft-Photosynth-to-Capture-Inauguration.html
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