onsdag den 28. januar 2009

What the Web knows about you

Vi har allesammen en cyber identitet i form af informationer som man enten selv (næsten frivilligt) har lagt på nettet og så alle de oplysninger som andre (venner og det der er værre) har lagt derud. Det kan man enten vælge at leve med eller lade være - sidstnævnte bliver dog svært og firmaer som hjælper folk med at sløre deres net identitet har/får massere af vind i sejlene i årene der kommer ...

We all have a cyber identity in the shape of informations you either yourself (almost freely) have distributed to the net or informations that your friends (and others) have contributed with. You can either choose to live with it or you don't - if not you'll have a hard time 'cleaning' up the mess. Companies helping people with the cleaning will today and in the future have lots of work to do ...


How much private information is available about you in cyberspace? Social Security numbers are just the beginning.
Robert L. Mitchell
What information is available about you in cyberspace? Where does it come from? What risks does it present and what, if anything, can you do to protect yourself? To answer those questions I decided to use my own identity, Robert L. Mitchell, a national correspondent at Computerworld, as my research subject. [...]

Read more: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=printArticleBasic&taxonomyName=Security&articleId=9125058&taxonomyId=17

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