mandag den 19. januar 2009

Washington DC Imagery Update for Google Earth - Censorship Note

Klar, parat, start! Det hvide hus skifter navn til Barack ...

Ready, steady, go! The White changes name to the Barack ...


Google has just updated imagery for the Washington DC National Mall area of Google Earth. This special update was probably due to the upcoming Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday of President-elect Barack Obama. The new imagery is dated 2008 and there also appears to be new imagery in surrounding areas. The White House and Capitol building appear to still have the same older imagery dated 2002. Turn on the 3D Buildings layer for added realism.

Washington, DC in Google Earth

The inauguration ceremony takes place to the west of the Capitol Building (see a good description of the Inauguration from Then a parade is held from the Capitol Building to the White House. Google Maps Mania has a summary of several useful maps for viewing the inauguration details. You can view a map of road closures which shows the location of Jumbotron monitors near the Lincoln Memorial, and here is a video (with very annoying music) showing the progression of the parade in 3D using Google Earth.

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2 kommentarer:

  1. og en dansk version af ruten - lavet i KML - så man lynhurtigt kan vise det i Google Maps, Virtual Earth og Google Earth læs mere

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