søndag den 18. januar 2009

New View of Ocean Floor in Google Earth

Et øjeblik fik jeg et af de der 'waouw' øjeblikke, men det varede kun 'kort' ... Endnu ingen undervandsture til hverken Marianna graven eller Atlantis ...

For a moment I was 'waouw' but then I realised this is still not it ... Under water journeys un board Capt. Nemo Nautilus will have to wait ...


Google has released a new rendering of the ocean floors around the world. The ocean floor is colored to reflect the terrain features of the sub-sea surface. The new rendering is a bit higher resolution (much higher in places) and is presumably more accurate than the previous version. According to the copyright messages the new ocean floor is coming from "SIO, NOAA, US Navy, NGA, GEBCO". These entities are dedicated to getting the best ocean floor surface data they can. You don't have to do anything special to see the new ocean floor, just open up Google Earth (it's not visible in Google Maps yet). Unfortunately, the new ocean floor in Google Earth is NOT 3D - yet. This could be the first part of the release of new data for the rumored "Google Ocean". Hopefully, we'll see a 3D version someday. [...]

Comparison of old and new Google Earth ocean floor imagery

Read more: http://www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/2009/01/new_view_of_ocean_floor_in_google_e.html

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