mandag den 26. januar 2009

Microsoft may shutter Popfly Web mashup tool

Sørgeligt ... et godt værktøj som fungerede intuitivt rigtigt, men som af forskellige årsager ikke har haft den genenmslagskraft som det potentielt kunne. Mit gæt er at det var for kompliceret for de ikke tekniske personer og for lukket/selvcentreret (omkring microsoft) for de teknisk fundererede ... På den anden side har Google også meldt deres Mashup Editor ud på et sidespor ... Mash ups er måske bare i bund og grund for halv nørdede kode hoveder ...

Sad news ... a good tool working intuitively right for most but which for various reasons didn't get the big break through something it pontentially could have had. My guess is that it was too complex to use for the non technically minded and too closed/self centeret (around microsoft) for the pro mash upper ... Too fancy flashy ... Google too has shut down further development on their Mash Up Editor ... Perhaps after all mash ups is for surfer nerds ... 


It's in what the company calls 'a transitional phase'
Eric Lai

Microsoft Corp. on Friday said that it may discontinue its free Popfly service that lets nonprogrammers build Web 2.0 apps.

Popfly "is in a transitional phase," said a Microsoft spokeswoman on Friday. "We have no other details at the moment."

free programming tool built on Microsoft's Silverlight rich media platform, Popfly lets novice coders build powerful Web 2.0 apps or casual games simply by dragging and dropping prebuilt services such as RSS or Flickr image feeds, all represented on the screen as icons or blocks. [...]

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