onsdag den 22. april 2009

The Elephant is Ready to Race: Geospatial Data Initiatives and Perspectives from India - Part 2

Se også første del: http://gisdk.blogspot.com/2009/04/elephant-is-ready-to-race-geospatial.html

Also se part 1: http://gisdk.blogspot.com/2009/04/elephant-is-ready-to-race-geospatial.html


By Murali Krishna Gurram, Nooka Ratnam Kinthada and Gilbert H. Castle 

India encompasses one-sixth of the world's population, has a ubiquitous cultural commitment to education and achievement, and is on the cusp of being an economic superpower. This paper summarizes the remarkable, parallel growth of India's geospatial technology industry with respect to its economic growth, in two parts:

Part I - The background and history of geospatial information in India, plus a look at the existing map policies and constraints (
published last week)

Part II - Evolutionary changes, and conclusions (
included here)

Evolutionary Changes
The demand for geospatial data and services in India is tremendously high. Large scale, high quality geodata at the city level is especially the need of the hour. Yet this is the one area that so far, for various reasons, all the concerned government agencies have neglected. Instead, they confine their interest to regional level mapping. 

Intensive and consistent economic activities, coupled with technology developments in the country, have made certain sectors grow much faster than expected. Remarkable growth in infrastructure, urban planning, transport, mobile, municipal management, insurance, banking, public safety, retail, real estate, etc., have created an unprecedented demand for the extensive use of geospatial technologies. [...]

Read more: http://www.directionsmag.com/article.php?article_id=3129

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