tirsdag den 14. april 2009

Will Cloud make SOA mainstream?

SOA og WOA og hvad så nu? Vi mangler fortsat en klar definition af ingredienserne skysovsen ...

SOA and WOA and what else? We still need a clear and sound definition of the clouds ...


Gartner has just posted a quick report on SOA and Cloud Computing:“Cloud Computing Will Cement the Mainstream Role of SOA” (SOA stands for Service-Oriented Architecture).

The report argues that Cloud Computing is an evolution of multiple technologies “including virtualization, workload hosting, consumerization of IT, Web architectures, metadata-based software engineering, grid computing, extreme transaction processing, open source, SOA and more.” From that the authors make the next step and assume that cloud computing solutions actually is based on SOA architectures and thus while getting widely spread will (finally) make SOA approach mainstream. [...]

Read more: http://cloudenterprise.info/2009/04/14/will-cloud-make-soa-mainstream/

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