onsdag den 29. april 2009

Jack Dangermond Interview 1 of 3: Web Mapping

'Geo-awereness' lidt mere mundret end 'Spatial awareness' ... 

'Geo awareness' and bit more understandable for non-gis users ...


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by Brady Forrest 

 Jack Dangermond is the founder and CEO of ESRI. ESRI's software is used by every level of government around the world. You can see ESRI's influence in online mapping tools from Microsoft,GoogleYahoo! and FortiusOne. I had the opportunity to interview him over the phone on April 20, 2009. In this portion of the interview we discuss the history of GIS and online mapping.

Jack will be speaking at Where 2.0 on May 20th in San Jose.

Brady Forrest: So ESRI is known for creating large enterprise GIS applications. And then a couple of years ago, maps came into the hand of just about anybody through Google Maps. One question -- I asked people for questions for you, and I think my favorite one was: Do you think that the explosion of web-based mapping has just filled the world with ugly and poorly designed maps?

Jack Dangermond: That's an interesting and compelling question. I think what the consumer mapping sort of technologies have done is provided geo-awareness to everybody. And they've done it principally by building a standardized basemap for the planet. And Google has been, obviously, the leader in this. But also, Microsoft is making a lot of contributions in the same space. And that allows me to navigate and understand a kind of electronic map or image so I can sort of see things. And that's pretty powerful actually for just spatial awareness and georeferencing people's minds about what's going on at different locations. In the last couple of years, I've seen a lot of VGI or volunteer geographic information added to it, little dots on maps. And that allows people to participate in these websites and share their knowledge in some kind of a collaborative space. And that's emerging quite nicely. []

Read more: http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/04/jack-dangermond-interview-web-mapping.html

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