Hvis ens egne lag og temaer kunne håndteres på samme lette vis ... Et nationalt lokalplanstema kunne f.eks. vedligeholdes i fællesskab og tilføjes Google Map og lignende af alle andre som ønsker ved at tilføje nedenstående 2 linier kode ...
If your own layers could be handled the same way ... A national (global) theme could be maintained collectively (like the photo layer) and everyone could add that layer using the same 2 lines of code ...
Now, for those of you who want to easily enable these layers on your map (or through a custom control), you can create a new Layer object with the specified layer ID, and then add that to the map as an overlay. Check out the sample code and demo below, and read through the docs for more info:
map.addOverlay(new GLayer("com.panoramio.all")); map.addOverlay(new GLayer("org.wikipedia"));
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