tirsdag den 7. oktober 2008


I 'gamle' dage skulle alle på nettet med en hjemmeside - ellers eksisterede man ikke. I fremtiden bliver den geografiske reference lige så vigtig. Informationer på hjemmesider skal kunne placeres, kategoriseres og sammenligens. Specielt sidstnævnte vil have gavn af den geografiske dimension.

In the 'old' days everybody had to have WebPresence - in order to exist you had have a homepage. In the future the same will be said about GeoPresence. Informations on a web page needs på been located, categorized and compared. The last mentioned will get great value from the geographic dimension.


“What?  You don’t have a web site?  Is that possible?  It’s only a small company.  Does not matter!  If you do not have a web site, you do not exist.  Period!” This seems a plausible exchange in 2008.  Yet no one could have imagined such a conversation as recently as 1980. Not to have a web site has simply become unthinkable.  I think the same will soon be said about you or your organization’s Geo-Presence ; the description or model of yourself, your organization or some activity on the Virtual World. 

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