søndag den 12. oktober 2008

Mashup Camp - Learn, Hack, Compete!

Talent 2008 fylder de danske skærme for tiden og såkaldt almindelige mennesker får her muligheden for at vise deres ualmindelige talenter for åben skærm. Jeg må indrømme at jeg æder det råt og forundres over hvor megen ubrugt (og måske også med god grund) talent der findes overalt. Selv i et lille land som Danmark gemmer der sig de særeste og mest utrolige mennesker som kan både det ene og det andet.
Når det gælder mashups er der de seneste år dukket en hel masse utrolige muligheder op for 'almindelige' (nørdede) mennesker - alverdens web API'er står i kø for at blive brugt i alle tænkelige og utænkelige sammenhænge. Den kreativitet og opfindsomhed som dukker op er intet mindre en betagende og beviser blot at nye killer apps ikke fødes hos de store kommercielle virksomheder men helt nede ved græsrødderne. 

The tv show Talent has invaded the Danish screen on friday nights and millions of viewers watch how ordinary people get the chance to show their extraordinary abilities. I have to confess - I watch it all and can't get enough of it. The reason is that I can't help being amazed by all that unused (and sometimes for good reasons) talent that exists out there. Even in a small country like Denmark you will be amazed by the number of people with talent and the quality of it (I might be easy to win over). 
When it comes to mashups I see the same happening. A lot of ordinary (nerdy ;-) people get their hands on an enormous tool box of hacky whacky goodies and magic happens. The amount of  creativity and genius is gigantic and it just proves that the next killer app is not neccessarily coming from the commercial software companies but from the ordinary man on the floor.


Save the date for Mashup Camp... November 17-19, Mountainview / San Jose, CA at the Computer History Museum - the un-conference for the mashup developer community. Of note, seems that this event will overlap somewhat with the iPhone Live event, Nov 18 in San Jose. The theme of mashup camp this year - Learn, Hack, Compete! Who's coming to mashupcamp? See the Wiki

Finally, the focus of this year's event will once again be the bestmashup contest, where attendees will decide on the coolest mashup created for the event. Here's how the contest works:

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