tirsdag den 7. oktober 2008

Mozilla's Geode brings geographic Web to Firefox

Der er mange eksempler på georeferede objekter. Nogen er født med en reference og andre kunne med fordel tildeles en. Ofte går vi omveje for at skaffe den georeferencen - tænk bare på adresser, man taster dem gladeligt hver gang man i virkeligheden havde brug for en xy koordinat. Ok, alimindelige mennesker kender ikke xy, men tænk på den tidsbesparelse det ville være hvis man i stedet for en adresseliste havde en samling af punkter: mit personlige punkt (hjemmeadressen), mit professionelle punkt (arbejdet), familien, vennerne, børnenes skole, motioncenteret osv osv. Punkterne skulle naturlilgvis inddeles i kategorier og hvis man ville kunne de udveksles på facebook m.fl. 

There are many examples of georefernced objects. Some are born with it and other may have added value with one. In many cases we circle a long way round to get to what we really want - addresses for instance - again and again you type in your address in order to get what the system needs and xy koordinat. Ok, ordinary people don't think about xy but image all the times saved if you had a list of xy's instead of addresses: your private point (home address), professionel point (work), the family point , friends points, kids school, your favorite fitness center etc etc. The point needs to be categorized and why not share them on facebook and the like? Just my point of view.


Mozilla Labs plans to announce a plug-in called Geode on Tuesday that gives the Firefox Web browser a better ability to understand and use geographic information on the Web.

Geode details at this stage remain sketchy, but here's the example used in the alert about the project: "With Geode, a user who is looking for restaurants while they are out of town will be able load up their favorite review site and find suggestions a couple blocks away and plot directions there."


Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10059557-2.html

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