søndag den 5. oktober 2008

Timeline HowTo

Den 4 dimension er måske i virkeligheden den vigtigste. Det er meget godt at kunne placere alle ting i 3D, men hvor er de på vej hen og hvor hurtigt (og hvorfor)?

The 4th dimension might be the must important one. It's good to know where stuff is in 3D but you will not get any good usage until you know where it's headed, how fast it's going (and perhaps why it's going)?


The timeline is the feature of Google Earth that allows time animation. The screen shot below shows some time tagged placemarks of a group of our geography students going up the Arrolla glacier earlier this month*

Animation of a student field work hike up a glacier near Arrolla 

Arrolla Glacier Walk GEarth File

The Google timeline documentation is fairly useful for the basics but leaves users a bit confused over some issues so here are some timeline tips:

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