lørdag den 10. januar 2009

Arc2Earth Cloud Layers

Cloud Layers -> Sky lag -> Sky dække ... Cached data bør kan og bør laves der hvor der er ledig tid og kapacitet. Online distribution og drift kan høste fordelene heraf. Tanken er god, men vil være nogle rent licensmæssige problematikker der skal gennemtænkes og genovervejes ...

Cloud Layers ... Cached data should be made when and where there is time for it - that means on all available means of cpu's - that being local or in the cloud. Online distribution will benefit from this. However, that architecture will face quite a few licensing problems until these have been re-thought and re-evaluated ...


By Kirk Kuykendall


This sounds really interesting. It seems like with this sort of infrastructure in place, a confederacy of arcgis machines could be harnessed where each machine works on part of a very large geoprocessing job, similar to Seti@home. I’m not sure if ESRI lawyers would allow it, but what if people rented out their machines during idle times? [...]

Read more: http://ambergis.wordpress.com/2009/01/09/arc2earth-cloud-layers/

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