Vi lever i en 3 dimmensionel verden så den bedste måde at modellere verden på er i 3D. Det betyder ikke at man ikke kan opnå det samme i 2D - man får bare ikke alle detaljer med ...

We live in a 3 dimmensional world and therefore the best way to describe our world is in 3D. That said it doesn't mean that you can't achieve the same in 2D - yet you will loose some ...

Written by Jeff Winston | |
Monday, 05 January 2009 | |
Computer-generated 3D has been around for at least two decades. It started with hobby programs at one end and expensive research at the other end (the forerunners of Pixar for example). A decade ago 3D began to be used in the urban design and land planning field, but the few 3D visual simulation programs that existed were very expensive and required extensive, very technical computer workstations and programming expertise to use them. For many years planners, landscape architects and architects paid little attention to 3D, feeling that they understood what the design looked like and that they could describe it to the public very adequately using traditional tools—and learning the new tools was a daunting undertaking. Today, we have a wide variety of 3D visualization programs, the cost has come down significantly (some are even free), and many of the programs have become relatively userfriendly. 3D has gradually been making inroads into the planning and design mainstream. It's not unusual in a public presentation or submittal to see a 3D image rather than an artist’s rendering, and occasionally one actually sees 3D movie “fly arounds”. [... ] |
Read more: http://www.vector1media.com/article/column/column%3a-the-use-of-3d-visualization-in-planning-and-design%97is-3d-a-luxury-or-a-necessity?/
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