onsdag den 14. januar 2009

Google Earth gets ultra-high-resolution artwork

Stille og roligt begynder al Googles indsamlede information at få en geocodning i GE. En dag kan man klikke på sit eget hus og se alle relaterede informationer Google kender i forhold til adresse og personer på bopælen ...

A little at the time all Googles collected information is being 'geo coded'  in GE. One day you may be able to click on your own house an view all information related to the building and the people living in it ... 


Posted by Rafe Needleman

One, at least: a new layer gives viewers gigapixel (ultra-high-resolution) photos of artwork from inside the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain. The Prado project also includes detailed exterior views of the museum's buildings. See Google's blog poston the new layer.

As cool as it is to be able to view the art, the Prado project presents neither a complete (or even close) catalog of art from the Prado, nor an immersive 3D experience. There are 14 images of masterpieces, and you navigate to them via a pop-up that appears when you click on the exterior of the building in Google Earth. [...]

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10142156-2.html

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hej

    Jeg har lavet et mashup med et af disse malerier nemlig Goya og indsat det i en Google Earth API webside klik på det lille kameraikon og flyv ind og betragt


    billedet fylder hele 58689×45252 pixels og råversion af billede er 14GB

  2. Google's hit at Microsoft's attempt to bring new technologies to the masses such as Photosynth and Seadragon....
